Kids Mania

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Birthday Party Packages

Parties at Kids Mania are super-affordable, memorable and uber-fun! Choose from any of the packages below and click the “Book My Party” button to get started!


Admission for 8 children (including birthday child)

Party meal & drink for each child

Fairy bread platter to share

Use of party room for up to 1 hour only

Party gear including blowers, cups, plates etc.

1 x keepsake birthday photo

Unlimited stay & play on party day

Reserved seating for guests (up to 10 only)

Party host to ensure a fun and memorable celebration


for 8 children

$27.90 each additional child


Admission for 8 children (including birthday child)

Party meal & drink for each child

Fairy bread platter to share

Use of party room for up to 1 hour only

Party gear including blowers, cups, plates etc.

1 x keepsake birthday photo

Unlimited stay & play on party day

Reserved seating for guests (up to 10 only)

Party host to ensure a fun and memorable celebration


Choice of 1 adult food platter

Choice of 1 jug of drink

Treat bags for children

Ice cream cake with candles

Hot/cold drinks voucher valued at $25


for 8 children

$37.90 each additional child


Admission for 8 children (including birthday child)

Party meal & drink for each child

Fairy bread platter to share

Use of party room for up to 1 hour only

Party gear including blowers, cups, plates etc.

1 x keepsake birthday photo

Unlimited stay & play on party day

Reserved seating for guests (up to 10 only)

Party host to ensure a fun and memorable celebration


Choice of 2 adult food platters

Choice of 2 jugs of drinks

Treat bags for children

Ice cream cake with candles

Hot/cold drinks voucher valued at $25

Balloon for each child

Ice block for each child

Party game & prize


for 8 children

$47.90 each additional child